You like tattoos, but are you afraid of getting machine tattoos? Do you want tattoos with less pain? Handmade tattoos are the best solution that doesn’t use any type of machine and electricity and it gives you some ancient vibes when the machines are not invented.
Hand poke tattoos or DIY tattoos also called stick and poke tattoos is an inexpensive way of poking tattoos. Although good quality inks and highly sterilized needles are used with experienced personnel, it is a quite delicate method.
Unfortunately, people think that it is risky and hazardous but The fact is that professional and experienced artists use specialized inks and sterilized equipment in a clean and safe area. Nevertheless, how they look comes with the idea of having a simple and cozy feeling.
Needles and inks used in ancient times are noticed when the mummies found in Egypt had very complicated and detailed artwork on their arms, shoulder, and abdomen. Advanced systems of poking tissues are associated with the skate-punk subculture developed in the 1980s.
The slogan of this type of tattoo is to say no to machines. exactly as the wording indicates stick and poke which means to stick and dig through needles. Firstly the needles must be secure enough to dig and the design is then created by needle plunge into ink and nudge onto the skin.
During quarantine when peoples are free at home they start making tattoos by themselves instead of going salon as it is an effective way time-consuming in a specialized manner especially when you are bored at home.
You can also find a well-known salon with expert people working there. The tattoo artist must have a know-how of potential risk and haphazard and also know how to cope with these types of situations. the correct equipment is also necessary to avoid risk factors.
If you find a place that is not clean or underground studios that are trending nowadays but don’t get tatted there as it is not a safe place to get a tattoo. Area cleanliness is a necessary part of it otherwise it might lead to infection.
- Clean workspace and proper use of gloves
- The area to be tattoed is washed with soapy water.
- Shave the area if it is hairy.
- Use an alcohol pad to clean the area
- Sterilized utensils to avoid contamination
It experiences differently by different peoples depending upon their capability and tolerance .peoples experiencing this thinks that it is not as bad as machine-done tattoos but some peoples find it even worse than that.
Pain also depends upon the needles used if only one needle use at a time it not hurts as much as if you used several needles at a time. If you’ve previously done with machine tattooing then you are okay with this one.
Pain also depends on the artist’s hand whether they are light-handed or heavy-handed. The hand poke method causes less itching and irritation depending upon the size of the tattoos. It also depends on certain body parts you will feel more pain if the bone is more close to your skin.
People think that stick and poke don’t last as longer as machine tattoos did. But this is a false interpretation and it also lasts as longer as machine tattoos did because needles are inserted on both the techniques.
Needles are inserted into your skin again and again to create beautiful and elegant designs whether the design is short or extended. But this technique is sensitive enough because the needle’s position and ink injection is more delicate.
Pushing needles into the skin is more sensitive because if it goes more inside the skin there is a greater chance of lines blurring and bleeding and if the needle is not properly injected it might cause the ink not to persist for a lifetime.
Aftercare of stick and poke tattoos are the same as machine-done tattoos.
Some are the basic necessary steps to follow after the stick and poked tattoos.
- Cover tattoos with wrap or bandages (three to four hours or three to four days) recommended by your artist
After the removal of the wrap
- wash with cleanser
- After washing with a cleanser moisturize with a specific lotion or Aquaphor
- After the bandage is off use organic ointment daily or 3-5 times a day for the next two week
Make sure to avoid exposure to the sun and immerse in water.
As your tattoo undergoes the healing process just keep an eye on it.
following are the normal things to notice after tattooed
- Redness and swelling due to normal body response to every injury.
- The mild dried and crusty surface of the skin
- Skin drying which is normal after a tattoo
- Light itching.
Following are the sign and symptoms due to allergic reaction or infection:
- Abscess
- Pimples
- Redness goes severe
- Fever
- Too much itching
- More scabbing
If any of these symptoms appear other than normal reaction immediately seek medical attention. Minor symptoms are treated with antibiotics but if it goes severe oral antibiotics are recommended.
Every skilled person uses their basic tools to scrape out their talent. Architecture use tools to make buildings etc, and beauticians use them to design their models and enhance the beauty of their clients. Following are the basic tools used by artists to design tattoos.
Needles should be of the best quality but there are no specific needles. You can either use sewing needles or professional needles. it is adequate to use professional needles instead of sewing because it is unhygienic to use.
Cheap inks aren’t advised to use rather than use good quality inks that stick and poked standard and durable tattoos.
1. Do stick-and-poke tattoos go away? A little secret about every tattoo is that no matter how long-lasting it is but anyways it fades and changes with the passage of time.
2. How long do stick-and-poke tattoos last?
Stick and poke tattoos will persist not more than 5- to 10 years. After that, it becomes dim and fades from time to time depending upon how carefully we treat them and how many times we washed them.
3.Do stick-and-poke tattoos hurt?
Stick and poke tattoos are done manually by hand and it takes longer time than machine so yes, it is painful but many peoples declare them less painful than machine tattoo pain.
A trained individual is required for proper stick and poked tattoos and to make them reliable throughout their life. Skilled and trained personnel, sterile needles and inks, use of sterile gloves and properly sanitized area is necessary to avoid cross-contamination.
Needles and inks that are used should be of best quality for individuals care and protection. Anyone should not try this at home and dont use inappropraite needles and inks due to safety concerns and also follow up after care for long-term persistence and avoid infection.