Things To Consider Before Getting a Tattoo

Things To Consider Before Getting a Tattoo


Getting body art, like a tattoo, is one way to define your character and values with permanent ink, but there are things to consider, like tattoo aftercare and many other factors. Getting your first tattoo requires a certain amount of intestinal fortitude, as tattoos are applied with needles. Your first tattoo can be as small as one inch, or a series of designs on your back or a sleeve for your arm. In some cases, your tattoo boutique will provide one free touchup within six months if needed. Getting new ink should be planned to the last detail, and it should include one A&D ointment treatment with every session and no numbing cream(the client will bring their own cream). We at Angeloop-Ink would like to share some ideas before you take the plunge and get a tattoo.


Getting a tattoo can be a painful experience depending on the area of application. If your tattoo is applied to a meatier section of your body – like thighs or arms – it isn’t all that painful. If you have your tattoo applied to an area where a bone is close to the surface – think ankle, foot or rib cage – it could be an excruciating experience. Remember, tattoos don’t just show up on their own; they are applied with needles. If you are getting a full sleeve tattoo, you need to ask yourself if your pain threshold will withstand the work necessary to complete your new artwork. If you have a low tolerance for pain, a tattoo might not be for you. Another way to look at it is that pain is an experience, a process. Some find it as a form of meditation as well as a process for renewal. 

Tattoo location

Your tattoo location is vital because they are permanent. Sure, there are removal methods to remove an unwanted or poorly located tattoo. But tattoo removal methods are expensive and could cause scarring, so you want to make sure you have located the tattoo in an area  that is satisfactory. Exposure is the key, if you want a private tattoo or one that  you want to show off is the key to your tattoo location. Also, you must keep in mind external factors like your career. If you work in a button-down environment, a full sleeve tattoo could be a career-killer – sad but true. 

A Meaning Behind The Design

Getting a tattoo is one that is filled with excitement, but getting a tattoo should be a thoughtful experience. Your tattoo should represent your experiences, it is like collecting fine art from the style you like from the artist of your choice. It doesn’t matter if you have a celebrity’s face applied or a cartoon character, it is your body – a temple – to be adorned as you see fit. Your tattoo expresses your life stories and personal beliefs, your tattoo should be unique and meaningful. 

Excellent Artist With Great Sanitation Practices

You need to get your artit beforehand, looking at designs or  portfolio is one way to verify that the artist you have chosen is skilled in the art of tattooing. A picture tells a thousand word story, but you might want to seek the recommendation of a previous customer for more information. Your health should be the number one consideration when getting a tattoo. Check with the local board of health for violations when researching a tattoo boutique so you can have confidence in the boutique you have chosen. Communicable diseases like Hepatitis B&C, HIV or tetanus are very real health threats.

The Cost

Some tattoos can be inexpensive, while others can cost a fortune. It is predetermined by the size of the tattoo, if it is one colour or multi-coloured, and the degree of difficulty involved. Good tattoos aren’t cheap, and cheap tattoos aren’t good – buyer beware.

Get your ink at Angeloop-Ink
When you have made the decision, make a date with Angeloop-Ink for your first tattoo or new addition to your tattoo collection. We can counsel you on the process, tailor your tattoo to your personal specifications, discuss possible locations and work sensitively to help mitigate the pain. For a consultation with one of our highly qualified artists, please feel free to contact us when you have made your decision.